>From: Brian Kraut <eng...@earthlink.net>
I had a halogen aimable light hanging from the top of my turtledeck that was 
big help.  If I did it again I would still have the instrument lights, but
instead of the halogen from the turtledeck I would use one of these

Good looking lights.  I used something like that for a while in my Bonanza, 
as the right side of the panel always seemed a little dark.  One issue I had 
with a setup, where the "head" had all the mass, was the strength of the 
mechanism holding it out that far from it's base.  Seemed to me, the 
constant vibration of the airplane quickly diminished it's ability to hold 
the head in the same place so I was always repositioning it.  The above 
light was obviously designed for auto use where the vibration level is much 
less pronounced.  Your post light, or the small swivel light, don't have to 
deal with this issue.  One more thing about these little swivel lights, they 
remain adjustable after install and don't affect your night vision.

Dana Overall
1999 & 2000 National KR Gathering host
Richmond, KY
RV-7 slider, Imron black, "Black Magic"
Finish kit
Buying Instruments. Hangar flying my Dynon.
do not archive

>From: Brian Kraut <eng...@earthlink.net>

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