To "ALL KR NETTERS" There is always someone out there who knows something that we don't. Gaining knowledge to build our birds, make them safer, and improve on there stability, performance and especially safety, is the only thing we "ALL" should be focusing our attention on. Not petty spats over mispelled words or anything else that fits into the "petty" category.
Let us all regain the focus and fellowship that has persevered through the truth of our common goal. Drop the bullshit everyone. I believe I speak for several in saying that I only want to read good information that will help me build my bird better and help me make better decisions on the construction of my bird. I don't care if it's misspelled. Only that I understand the idea that was attempting to be conveyed. Please maintain your integrity, morality, and especially our "RESPECT" for each individual idea that pertain to "BUILDING GREAT AND BEAUTIFUL KR2'S". Signed: Peter Sanchez Veteran CW2 Army Aviator Apache Junction AZ