Congratulations Colin & Bev!

Wow, I'm new to the list and don't believe I have the
talent to build my own, so I'm 99% sure I'll be buying
a great kr-2 soon.  I hope I can still associate with
you all as you have the pride and expertise to really
fly high with these aircraft.

I hope the kr-2 I'm considering is flight worthy as I
don't yet have a pilot's license and I'm just
beginning to learn these aircraft based on the
Internet postings I've found, including the shared
expertise and camaraderie on this list.

Any tips for a green-horn in this decision process
would be greatly appreciated.

Have a great weekend and fun flying!

A kr-2 wannabe..  :)

--- Colin & Bev Rainey <> wrote:
> Netters,
> With all this negative talk I am afraid to post this
> for fear of being attacked!  Just kidding!
>     Dan will be posting pictures as soon as
> practical, but I can now say that we are done!   The
> KR2 is complete.  We have completed all construction
> corrections and additions that were required for us
> to fly here in Orlando, and we are making
> arrangements to move her to the airport.  We are
> going to use the Sanford-Orlando Airport in Sanford,
> Florida as long as the inspector does not have a
> problem.  Weight & balance came in with her at an
> empty weight of 649#, and CG at 21.11" with the
> cowling line being my datum line for measuring. 
> Calculating full expected passenger load and full
> fuel, we are okay at 24.60", and landing 2 hours
> later at 25.35".   Aft limit is 25.75" based on
> published limits, adjusted for the datum line at the
> cowling seam, and disregarding the last 2" at Mark
> Langford's recommendation.
>     Paint & body is rough, but after a couple of
> nicks were incurred during weigh-in, I decided to
> wait on the final finish work until after the test
> fly-off.  Hopefully we will have the test period
> flown off for Sun N Fun, but definitely for Mt
> Vernon.   Can't wait!!!!!!
> Colin & Bev Rainey
> KR2(td) N96TA
> Sanford, FL
> or
> to UNSUBSCRIBE from KRnet, send a message to
> please see other KRnet info at

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