----- Original Message -----
From: "Oscar Zuniga" <taildr...@hotmail.com>
To: <kr...@mylist.net>
Sent: Friday, January 23, 2004 2:13 PM
Subject: KR>spelling, punctuation, and Mac

> Folks;
> After reading through the anguished posts on spelling, punctuation, and
> rest of it, as well as the comment about Mac ("flymaca"), all I ask is the
> following.  (1) all those among you who don't own a set of plans and
> for a KR, fall out; (2) of those left standing, if you aren't actively
> building an airplane, fall out; (3) of those still standing, if you're not
> licensed and current pilot, fall out; (4) of the remaining ones, if you've
> never completed and test-flown a homebuilt aircraft, fall out; (5) the
> of you still standing, turn and offer the right hand of fellowship to the
> very few still around you.  Mac is one of them.  I am not.  Are you?
> Point of the exercise: Mac has built and flown his own homebuilt KR
> aircraft, and flies it regularly.  That being the case, I not only don't
> care if he can spell, punctuate, or speak English, I am darned fortunate
> have his valuable input on this list at all!  Most who finish their
> just move on because they aren't interested in the endless nit-picking and
> rabbit trails that these lists take off on.
> Mac, I tip my hat to you.  Thanks for your valuable contributions to this
> list, and a happy Friday to you!
> Oscar Zuniga
> San Antonio, TX
> mailto: taildr...@hotmail.com
> website at http://www.flysquirrel.net
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