While I am certainly not doubting the Oakland FSDO told you that, it is 
still open for rule changes.

However, what it says is:

(b) Other than a glider or balloon, (1)You hold a U.S. driver’s license 
(regardless of whether you hold an airman medical certificate issued under 
14 CFR part 67), You must not act as pilot in command of the aircraft if you 
know or have reason to know of any medical condition that would make you 
unable to operate the aircraft in a safe manner.

If you hold a medical or have had one lost, that is certainly another 

That is a very large gray area to deal in.  I had a guy stop by my shop 
yesterday who is on 14 different pills, including blood pressure medication. 
  He has developed a cough so strong he said he sometimes passes out.  He 
has an expired 2nd. class medical.  He wants to start flying again:-(  Now, 
the question is what qualitative evidence would preclude him from saying, "I 
can control my coughing with cough drops and the blood pressure medicine 
controls my 165/110 blood pressure"?

I'm not arguing the stance of your FSDO, instead I am arguing the 
ambiguities present in, what I am certain is, a nearly finished draft.

I haven't spent a lot of time following Sport Pilot so I know enough to be 
dangerous.  I wouldn't dare try and influence anyone with my lack of 
knowledge on the subject.

Dana Overall
1999 & 2000 National KR Gathering host
Richmond, KY
RV-7 slider, Imron black, "Black Magic"
Finish kit
Buying Instruments. Hangar flying my Dynon.
do not archive

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