Sidney, My KR2 is set up with a center stick and
push-pull tube going to the aft side of the rear spar
and cables from there to the elevator. It has aluminum
push-pull tubes to the ailerons, works very well. I'll
try and get some pictures in the next few days if
anyone would like to see them. Rick Wilson.
--- "Wood, Sidney M." <> wrote:
> Steve,
> I put a complete cable control system in my KR-2 per
> the RR plans.  I did not like the plain bolt hinges
> at the aft spar bell cranks, so I put in aeliron
> bearing hinges.  The right-angle brackets at the aft
> and forward spars were sort of wimpy, but were okay
> for the 40 lb-tension cable system.  RR offered a
> push rod for the elevator connection under the seat;
> I put that in and it was off to the races.  I took
> out all the cables, pulleys and attach brackets.  I
> bent 6061 sheet to form triangular attach brackets,
> made 90-degree bell cranks with aeliron bearings for
> the forward spar, a counter-weight bell crank idler
> to balance the elevator, and six additional control
> tubes.  I retained the original center control stick
> and rudder cables.  N6242 shed 6 lbs in the process,
> mostly substituting aluminum for five brass
> turnbuckles, safety wire, associated hardware plus
> steel cables. 
> I don't have a website to show you pictures, but I
> would be glad to discuss it off-line.  Don't have
> any flight results yet, maybe in a year or so.  Were
> I to do that again, I would put the forward spar
> bellcranks inboard under the seat and run the
> control tube diagonally through the stub wing to the
> aft spar bellcrank mounted on the front of the aft
> spar.  The 90-degree bellcranks would need
> modification to account for the diagonal control
> tube angle through the stub wing.
> Sid Wood, KR-2 N6242
>       -----Original Message----- 
>       Any one got a web page out there on a design of
> using tubes instead of the cable system?
>       Steve McGee
>       Endeavor Wi. USA
>       Building a KR2S widened.
>       _______________________________________________
>       see KRnet list details at
> <> 

> ATTACHMENT part 2 application/ms-tnef
> _______________________________________________
> see KRnet list details at

Rick Wilson, Haleyville, Alabama KR2-0200A -99%

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