I put a complete cable control system in my KR-2 per the RR plans.  I did not 
like the plain bolt hinges at the aft spar bell cranks, so I put in aeliron 
bearing hinges.  The right-angle brackets at the aft and forward spars were 
sort of wimpy, but were okay for the 40 lb-tension cable system.  RR offered a 
push rod for the elevator connection under the seat; I put that in and it was 
off to the races.  I took out all the cables, pulleys and attach brackets.  I 
bent 6061 sheet to form triangular attach brackets, made 90-degree bell cranks 
with aeliron bearings for the forward spar, a counter-weight bell crank idler 
to balance the elevator, and six additional control tubes.  I retained the 
original center control stick and rudder cables.  N6242 shed 6 lbs in the 
process, mostly substituting aluminum for five brass turnbuckles, safety wire, 
associated hardware plus steel cables. 
I don't have a website to show you pictures, but I would be glad to discuss it 
off-line.  Don't have any flight results yet, maybe in a year or so.  Were I to 
do that again, I would put the forward spar bellcranks inboard under the seat 
and run the control tube diagonally through the stub wing to the aft spar 
bellcrank mounted on the front of the aft spar.  The 90-degree bellcranks would 
need modification to account for the diagonal control tube angle through the 
stub wing.
Sid Wood, KR-2 N6242

        -----Original Message----- 
        Any one got a web page out there on a design of using tubes instead of 
the cable system?

        Steve McGee
        Endeavor Wi. USA
        Building a KR2S widened.

        see KRnet list details at 

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