You did what every concerned aviator for his fellow man would do. MERRY
CHRISTMAS.  Oh yea, there is a KR-2 on eBay right now.

Mark Jones (N886MJ)
Wales, WI  USA
E-mail me at flyk...@wi.rr.com
Visit my KR-2S CorvAIRCRAFT web site at

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Dana Overall" <bo12...@hotmail.com>
To: <kr...@mylist.net>
Sent: Tuesday, December 23, 2003 6:39 AM
Subject: RE: KR>Airplane for sale.

> This is a steal.  Put together this thing would sell for 60K.  It ain't
> glass but one just may have to wear a mask when you pick it up.  It won't
> last a day.
> For Sale:  RV-9A Tail (finished), Wings (finished) Fuse (nearing
> stage), Tool set (including pneumatic squeezer and 3 yokes), Engine
> O-320-H2AD (first run), and extras.  $21,000.  Would prefer not to
> Details at http://www.vondane.com/forsale/rv9a/
> I apparently really and truly disturbed a member of the KRNet with the
> post, which is truly an absolute steal.  If anyone else was offended, you
> have my apology.  I looked at the guy in Alaska who was trying to make a
> decision between a KR or a 150.  Seems he was somewhat perplexed by
> a KR with dual everything or buying a spam can.  Just thought someone else
> might be in the same boat.  I guess I kinda looked at this as, since it is
> not me selling it, a "look what is on ebay" kind of sale.  I got flogged
> across the back several times in a private email:-)  I guess you have to
> watch your back even if you have done a great deal for this person in the
> past........mine is still bleeding:-)   Heck, my signature line probably
> like Rush attending a Kennedy family reunion:-)
> BTW, I often refer to my fiberglass building days on the "the other list".
> With that said, since we can introduce for sale or acknowledge the
> usefullness of products for aviation that we are not part of, I've been
> using this for about a month now.  http://www.my-cast.com/pilot .  I am
> using a Motorola 720i color screen cell phone.  It takes about 4-5 seconds
> to get the moving Doppler radar but you can also get cloud cover,
> on the screen.  In addition you get current TAF about the airport you put
> in, full METAR plus decoded METAR.  While this would not be a substitute
> radar, not that I encourage anyone to install radar in a KR or any other
> airplane I might be associated with seeing that radar may be a thorn under
> someones nail, it is a good little situational awareness product.  Another
> thing is you don't have to buy a years subscription, you can do it
> Thanks Adrian, I take that as a compliment.  See Ron, ya just gotta know
> to take things, or construe them in such a manner to suit your needs:-).
> Sorry, the signature line stays.
> Dana Overall
> 1999 & 2000 National KR Gathering host.
> Richmond, KY
> RV-7 slider, Imron black, "Black Magic"
> Finish kit
> Buying Instruments. Hangar flying my Dynon.
> http://rvflying.tripod.com
> do not archive
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> _______________________________________________
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