This is a steal. Put together this thing would sell for 60K. It ain't glass but one just may have to wear a mask when you pick it up. It won't last a day.
For Sale: RV-9A Tail (finished), Wings (finished) Fuse (nearing quickbuild stage), Tool set (including pneumatic squeezer and 3 yokes), Engine O-320-H2AD (first run), and extras. $21,000. Would prefer not to separate. Details at I apparently really and truly disturbed a member of the KRNet with the above post, which is truly an absolute steal. If anyone else was offended, you have my apology. I looked at the guy in Alaska who was trying to make a decision between a KR or a 150. Seems he was somewhat perplexed by finding a KR with dual everything or buying a spam can. Just thought someone else might be in the same boat. I guess I kinda looked at this as, since it is not me selling it, a "look what is on ebay" kind of sale. I got flogged across the back several times in a private email:-) I guess you have to watch your back even if you have done a great deal for this person in the past........mine is still bleeding:-) Heck, my signature line probably is like Rush attending a Kennedy family reunion:-) BTW, I often refer to my fiberglass building days on the "the other list". With that said, since we can introduce for sale or acknowledge the usefullness of products for aviation that we are not part of, I've been using this for about a month now. . I am using a Motorola 720i color screen cell phone. It takes about 4-5 seconds to get the moving Doppler radar but you can also get cloud cover, visibility on the screen. In addition you get current TAF about the airport you put in, full METAR plus decoded METAR. While this would not be a substitute for radar, not that I encourage anyone to install radar in a KR or any other airplane I might be associated with seeing that radar may be a thorn under someones nail, it is a good little situational awareness product. Another thing is you don't have to buy a years subscription, you can do it monthly. Thanks Adrian, I take that as a compliment. See Ron, ya just gotta know how to take things, or construe them in such a manner to suit your needs:-). Sorry, the signature line stays. Dana Overall 1999 & 2000 National KR Gathering host. Richmond, KY RV-7 slider, Imron black, "Black Magic" Finish kit Buying Instruments. Hangar flying my Dynon. do not archive _________________________________________________________________ Tired of slow downloads? Compare online deals from your local high-speed providers now.