>From: robert tallini <robertjtall...@earthlink.net> > >I am surprised at the negative consensus regarding the 23012 airfoil. In >addition to the certified a/c already mentioned George Pereira used it on >his Osprey 2, although his wing is very different than the KR.
I really don't think Mark, and me included, hold a negative attitude towards the 23012 in and of itself. I personnally, it may be as one stated a biased opinion due to my experience with it, don't think the 23012 is a good airfoil for the KR because the speed issue. To simplify my response I'll go into one realm. The KR is an airplane where speed management is a priority in landing. With the Bonanza, using the 23012, it has barn door flaps. I extend them to the stops just for conveniece. The KR does not flaps of this size or usefullness. With the 23012 the final over the fence speed, as Marsh experienced, is somewhere around 90. This airplane has habit of wanting to float as it is. Add the additional speed, no real (we're talking real world here now not a speed brake that merelyu produces drag) flaps and a very sharp departure (look at the charts, I won't say anything else about real world experience) and one can see exhilerating landings. There are no 3 point landings with the 23012 on the KR, they are wheelers. Now, is 90 too fast, no. Lots of airplanes land at 90. However, I have watched Marsh land his 23012 KR numerous times. As experienced as he was, numerous were an adventure. There are many, many nice airplanes flying with the 23012. Take what others have experienced with the 23012 and make your own educated decision and go with it, either way. BTW, everyone Merry Christmas Dana Overall 1999 & 2000 National KR Gathering host Richmond, KY RV-7 slider, Imron black, "Black Magic" Finish kit Buying Instruments. Hangar flying my Dynon. http://rvflying.tripod.com do not archive >From: robert tallini <robertjtall...@earthlink.net> > >I am surprised at the negative consensus regarding the 23012 airfoil. In >addition to the certified a/c already mentioned George Pereira used it on >his Osprey 2, although his wing is very different than the KR. _________________________________________________________________ Tired of slow downloads? Compare online deals from your local high-speed providers now. https://broadband.msn.com