Somehow my message was sent while I was still writing it.  I told you I am 
still learning to use this computer.

   To continue, I realize thatmany of the people who contribute to your KRnet 
have more experience and more impressive qualifications. I am not writing this 
in a spirit of self aggrandizement but to merely establish my level of 
conversance with flying.
    But, the Navy taught me to fly and not to design airplanes.  As clint 
Eastwood has said, "A man has to know his limitations."

    With all that said and for whatever my opinion is worth,  I want to tell 
you again the high regard with which I hold your critical analysis and the 
conclusions you arrive at.  The articles you write and the opinions you present 
are excellent.  I have admired your ability to improve on most every aspect of 
the KRS2.
    You certainly have convinced me that the 23012 is not the ideal airfoil for 
theKR.  Frankly, I would use the AS5046 or the AS5048 but I do not have the 
means of reproducinf the templates as shown on your web.
    Thank you and everone else for taking the time to respond to my question
                                Bob Tallini

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