Another case in point about this airfoil. It may or may not apply to the KR but take it as just more information.
When we first bought the Bonanza, of course we wanted to explore it's flight envelope. So, up we went one day and decided to try some stalls. Power came in, nose went up...up...up. Very, very suddenly we pitched down probably 70 degrees and rolled about 60 degrees.................Power off, prop full in, left rudder and pull it up. We both looked at each other wondering if the other had hit any flight controls. Nope. So, we got smart and pulled out the ol POH. Guess what, No Power on Stalls. This is a good fast, clean airfoil but it has an very bad bite. Until you experience this airfoil you don't know what a stall is. On final I stay very far away from stall, coming over the fence at 90. Take this a grain of salt or advice. You choose. Dana Overall 1999 & 2000 National KR Gathering host Richmond, KY RV-7 slider, Imron black, "Black Magic" Finish kit Buying Instruments. Hangar flying my Dynon. do not archive _________________________________________________________________ Make your home warm and cozy this winter with tips from MSN House & Home.