Hi Dene,the correct imperial dia drill bits are obtainable in S Africa from Engineering supply stores,not the local hardware stores.You dont need long bits as two standard size bits are used.using a simple jig and drilling from opposite sides to get a perfect match through the spar and WAFS on each side.The jigs for the mainspar and the dragspar are very easy to make and use and give excellent results.If you need any help ,contact me direct. Best Regards, Eric Evezard, South Africa.
- KR>drill bits Dene Collett (SA)
- KR>drill bits Mark Langford
- KR>drill bits Dene Collett (SA)
- KR>drill bits Ron Freiberger
- VW welded hub-was KR>drill bits Dene Collett (SA)
- KR>drill bits Eric Evezard