A couple of things:
Thanks for below, I weighed my turtledeck it weighs
4 lbs 10 oz.  That's still without the "roll-hoop" for
the canopy interface, and with out the 2
additional'1.5 inch BID  plys needed for the piano
hinge interfaces, and of course no primer or finish
  My turtledeck was 2 plys of 8.5 oz BID and 1 ply of
3.5 oz deck cloth.  .020 - .025 thick skin.  The Hat
Sections are 2 plys of 3 inch BID Tape.
I'm cutting a picture CD to send to Dan Heath so he
can update the website....
What should I use for mounting plates for the pants?
Cessna C150?  any particular model?
--- "Wood, Sidney M." <> wrote:
> Scott,
> My RR turtle deck weighs 8.6 pounds.  I purchased it
> in 1986.  It has two or three layers of fiber glass
> cloth (hard to tell how many) and gell coat.  Total
> thickness varies from 0.074 to 0.095 inches.  The
> gell coat probably adds a lot to the overall weight.
>  Bad news.  But, the good news is the UV protection
> is built into the gell coat without metal filler. 
> My VHF antenna hiding under the turtle deck will
> work just fine without the Smooth-Prime metal
> shielding.  Smooth-Prime goes on all my vinyl ester
> and other epoxy surfaces.  The removable bulkhead at
> the rear of my baggage shelf adds a lot of stiffness
> to the turtle deck and overall tail structure on my
> KR-2.  The turtle deck is fastened to the wooden
> structure with ss screws and aluminum angle.  It
> takes six minutes to remove the turtle deck and get
> at everything in the tail section.
> Sid Wood KR-2 N6242
> Mechanicsville, MD
>       -----  I'm very pleased with the results, I'd
> venture a
>       guess that my turtledeck weighs less than 2 pounds?
>       Does anyone have a weight of a Rand Robinson
>       Turtledeck and could weigh it for comparison?
>       =====
>       Scott Cable
>       KR-2S # 735
>       Wright City, MO
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Scott Cable
KR-2S # 735
Wright City, MO

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