My RR turtle deck weighs 8.6 pounds.  I purchased it in 1986.  It has two or 
three layers of fiber glass cloth (hard to tell how many) and gell coat.  Total 
thickness varies from 0.074 to 0.095 inches.  The gell coat probably adds a lot 
to the overall weight.  Bad news.  But, the good news is the UV protection is 
built into the gell coat without metal filler.  My VHF antenna hiding under the 
turtle deck will work just fine without the Smooth-Prime metal shielding.  
Smooth-Prime goes on all my vinyl ester and other epoxy surfaces.  The 
removable bulkhead at the rear of my baggage shelf adds a lot of stiffness to 
the turtle deck and overall tail structure on my KR-2.  The turtle deck is 
fastened to the wooden structure with ss screws and aluminum angle.  It takes 
six minutes to remove the turtle deck and get at everything in the tail section.
Sid Wood KR-2 N6242
Mechanicsville, MD

        -----  I'm very pleased with the results, I'd venture a
        guess that my turtledeck weighs less than 2 pounds?
        Does anyone have a weight of a Rand Robinson
        Turtledeck and could weigh it for comparison?
        Scott Cable
        KR-2S # 735
        Wright City, MO

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