Did you take any pictures Scott? Sounds like an interesting technique. So there's no foam in your core, only fiberglass cloth and resin?
Les Criscillo Tampa, FL lcris...@tampabay.rr.com http://groups.msn.com/LesLifeandfriends/homepage ----- Original Message ----- From: Scott Cable To: kr...@mylist.net Sent: Tuesday, December 02, 2003 11:25 Subject: KR>Layup Technique Netters, Over the Thanksgiving Holiday, I started doing the layups for the forward and Turtledeck. I made a foam layup tool that is the outside shape of the turtledeck. Prior to doing the layup, My wife suggested that I use Frost King window film. This is the stuff that you can tape around the perimeter of a window, and then use a hairdryer to shrink the clear film taut around