>From: "Dan Heath" <da...@alltel.net> >Dana, > >Is that your EIS to the right of the EFIS? What are the round instruments >that are in your Panel?
Dan, in this picture http://rvflying.tripod.com/panel.jpg the EIS system is the rectangular faceplate just to the right of the altimeter, upper center of the panel. I paid a litte less than $1000 for the unit with all probes, electrical wiring, harnesses, D subs and the like to measure RPM, MP, OAT, fuel flow, fuel level, carb temp.,4 CHTs, 4 EGTs, oil pressure, oil temp plus some other things my coffee deprived brain cannot think of right now:-) If I'm not mistaken, Landford is using an EIS system. I would care to say, there are thousands of these is homebuilts. Since I will be flying this airplane IFR, I went ahead and put in an altimeter, airspeed and VSI for redundancy with the Dynon. In addition the lower left round instrument is a switchable GPS/NAV head, also required for enroute and approach. By doing this I can shoot, GPS,ILS,LOC and overlay approaches using the uncluttered layout. If VFR, I'd put the Dynon in, the EIS, radio and be done with it. I think I would consider intalling capacitive sending plates in a KR tank and BNC them to the EIS system for a no moving parts, reliable sending and measuring fuel level indication method and go fly. Dana Overall 1999 & 2000 National KR Gathering host Richmond, KY RV-7 slider, Imron black, "Black Magic" Finish kit Buying Instruments. Hangar flying my Dynon. http://rvflying.tripod.com do not archive _________________________________________________________________ Share holiday photos without swamping your Inbox. Get MSN Extra Storage now! http://join.msn.com/?PAGE=features/es