Netters, Spent the afternoon and up until a few minutes ago organizing and becoming familiar with the present wiring, before making changes. The only item that had fuse protection was the tach. After sorting out who went where initially, I re-arranged the connections so that I have one main positive wire, and one main ground wire coming through the firewall, instead of 2 grounds and 4 20 amp power leads which scared the crap out of me! Now the master switch is a true master switch which stops power to everything; this power then goes direct to a fuse panel that distributes power to all the accessories from there. I also changed the alternator interrupt from just a switch in the panel, requiring the power from the alternator to pass through the switch, to a 30 amp relay on the firewall, tripped by the same switch, allowing the power to stay in the engine compartment, and shorten the length of wires. This toggle switch now only requires a 5 amp protection. Voltage is now read directly off the battery, and indicates both battery status, and charging system status during operation. I also made a grounding lug out of a bolt through the same mounting wood so that I have a common grounding point for all accessories, fed directly from the negative terminal of the battery. I am e-mailing the pics to Dan, and they will be on our site when he can post them, Thanks Dan!
Colin Rainey KR2(td) Sanford, Florida FLY SAFE!!!!