Hi All,

Well the age old question, Which engine to use for my KR2S???
Here in Australia we have an engine manufacturing facility for light aircraft 
engines called Jabiru, and from all accounts they are first class engines. This 
is what I was at first going to use. However the price is fairly high at just 
over $18000 AUD for a six cylinder 3300 cc model producing 120 hp.
At only  178 lbs in weight they are ideal power plants though a little out of 
my price range !!!
My question is if I go for a VW engine what size do I need for over 100 hp, and 
can I get a kit of accessories for it, and build an engine from the wrecking 
yard to fit them to???  Which model VW do I need?  What about Corvair engines 
for Australia ( we don't have them here ) How would I get one over here and 
what's available to help me build one??? How much are they second hand, and are 
there any left of the correct model for modification??  Hows the weight of an 
O200 conti compare to these options ?


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