I used wire braid from my engine to mount, and mount to firewall. I'd have to look it up, but off the top of my head it was about 1/4" wide. This gives the ignition and instrument sender current a path back to the battery. I also ran the same gauge mil spec wire for the primary bus ground as I did for battery/alternator power. I think I sized it for 15A current. So in my case, I used insulated wire for the ground path from the firewall back to the instrument panel. For my fuel gauge senders, I ran the same gauge shielded wire to each tank, and used the same for the lighting.
All metal parts do not really need to be grounded, I think that is overkill. If you want to do that I would recommend running a 1/4" ground unshielded braid aft to the elev horn mount, and mount it there. I would also consider running a braid to the wing attach fittings, but I haven't done that. One of these days I will put the schematics for my electrical system on my website, the links are currently inactive. -- Ross http://n541ry.us ----- Original Message ----- From: "Phillip Matheson" <mathe...@dodo.com.au> List-Post: krnet@list.krnet.org Date: Fri, 19 Sep 2003 12:04:29 +1000 To: "KR builders and pilots" <kr...@mylist.net> Subject: KR>Ground / Earth Wiring/ Stall Warning > Would someone help me out with ground / earthing wiring for my KR2. > I have read different books and get different ideas. > What wire type have you used? > Do all metal parts need to be earthed, i.e. all hinges etc.? > > What type of stall warning would consider? > > > Phillip Matheson > mathe...@dodo.com.ao > Australia > VH PKR > See our engines and kits at. > http://www.vw-engines.com/ > http://www.homebuilt-aviation.com/ > > > > > > > _______________________________________________ > see KRnet list details at http://www.krnet.org/instructions.html -- ___________________________________________________ OperaMail free e-mail - http://www.operamail.com OperaMail Premium - 28MB, POP3, more! US$29.99/year Powered by Outblaze