Thanks.  I looked in 61.31, but stopped before I got to the exceptions. 
 I have rechecked the rules and searched some other sites on the net am 
now certain that I don't need the signoff, but I do need to at least get 
more proficient and will definitely get a signoff as soon as I can find 
someone to do it.

Dana Overall wrote:

>> From: Brian Kraut <>
>> Also, someone told me that you don't need a tailwheel endorsement for 
>> an experimental.  FAR 61.31 (i) seems pretty specific to me about 
>> requiring the endorsement, not to mention that lawyers will jump on 
>> not having it in an accident weather it is required or not.  I think 
>> it is required.  Anyone know different?
> Brian, the following are some excerpts from 61.31.  I don't have the 
> FAR in front of me so if you could look up section K exceptions (2) 
> iii.  If you could throw this out on the KRNet, I would appreciate it 
> if someone would verify or not whether I recall this as stated below.
> "The pilot in command of this aircraft SHALL hold a category/class
> rating, or an authorized instructor's logbook endorsement. The pilot in
> command MUST meet the requirements of  61.31 (e), (f), (g), (h), (i),
> and (j) as appropriate."
> The exceptions in (k) do apply.  It clearly states in (k) Exceptions. 
> (2) The
> rating limitations of this section do not apply to--
> (iii) The holder of a pilot certificate when operating an aircraft 
> under the
> authority of an experimental or provisional aircraft type certificate;
> Insurance will certainly require it, but if you don't have an approved 
> engine, you're uninsurable in your KR anyway.
> Dana Overall
> 1999 & 2000 National KR Gathering host
> Richmond, KY
> RV-7 slider/fuselage, Imron black, "Black Magic"
> Finish kit ordered!! Buying Instruments. Hangar flying my Dynon.
> do not archive
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