>What is DRMO?

DRMO stands for something that I can't remember.  Basically, when the
military gets done using something, they send it to DRMO, and DRMO sells it
to the publice via an auction.  Some of the stuff is absolute crap, and only
worth scrap metal, but other stuff is brand new, that somebody bought too
many of, or the program got changed/cancelled before the equipment got used.

The concept is....one man's trash is another man's treasure.  Bidding starts
out at $35 if I'm not mistaken.  I know a guy who bought 4 OV-10's in crates
for $36,000 all together.  He later sold them for a total of $480,000.  Not
a bad find.

I think there is a search on the site, so it would be easy to see if they
have any disgarded AN5814-12's.

The website to get you started is:

Mark Youkey
Oklahoma City

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