Above 10K a operational transponder is required equipment.  I have flown IFR 
with a transponder on the blink so flight following may be possible with 
altitude verifications.  Try it and see, but above 10K you gotta have a 
transponder.  What I meant by my saying 1200 or on flight following or IFR 
was if on either of the two, you will be assigned a code other than 1200.  
Look it up as there may be a provision if you are less than 3000 above the 

Dana Overall
1999 & 2000 National KR Gathering host
Richmond, KY
RV-7 slider/fuselage, Imron black, "Black Magic"
Finish kit ordered!! Buying Instruments. Hangar flying my Dynon.
do not archive

>From: ron...@pcisys.net
>Reply-To: KR builders and pilots <kr...@mylist.net>
>To: KR builders and pilots <kr...@mylist.net>
>Subject: Re: KR> Transponder
>Date: Wed, 10 Sep 2003 11:51:29 GMT
>  Anything above 10K and you are
> > required to have a transponder squawking 1200 unless you are on either
> > flight following or and IFR flight plan.  A VFR flight plan does not 
> > talking with anyone or use of a transponder code.
> >
>Can you clarify this?  My transponder is being serviced.  To legally fly
>above 10K I must be using flight following or  ??????    I cannot file
>How does one use Flight following without a transponder?
>The reason I ask is because 9500 feet in CO is not high enough for me
>to fly to Red Oak.
>Ron Lee
>This message was sent using Endymion MailMan.
>see KRnet list details at http://www.krnet.org/instructions.html

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