Dear Netters:

As a few know, my progress on my 2S came to a
screeching halt last Thanksgiving due to personal
family health problems.  I have finally, over the
last 2 weekends started working on the plane
again inasmuch as the problem has stabilized and,
in reality, there is nothing we can do about it. 

I just updated my site.  The key updates are at:

and at:

In brief, I have finished the stub wings and have
begun the outer wings.  Over a year ago I glassed
the inner portion of the outer wing foam.  I had
already finished a ledge for the bottom foam by
installing it in place but with duct tape along
the edges.  I then epoxied glass tape in place
and eventually removed the bottom foam.

Then all sat idle for the better part of a year. 
Last weekend I taped in permanently the top foam
and this weekend the foam ribs were installed.

So, if you care, take a look at my site and
updates.  Hopefully, things will progress a bit
more over the next year than the last.


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