O.K. Fellows,

Most of you have given the good General a proper dressing down
several times over now. I have a revision to his business
plan to propose.

1. Clients buy plans from R. R. & the widow makes a decent living.

2. Gen. Locker sets up his KR factory near a resort such as
   acapulco or Puerto Villarta.

3. Clients fly into Mexico and check into a good hotel near the
   factory. They "work" 8 hours a day along side the General's
   army of Mexicans (who do all the stoop work such as sanding.)
   The General provides cheap Mexican parts.

   Don't they still make VW bugs in Mexico?

   Isn't drift wood as strong as spruce?

4. Clients save a lot of money on this fast build program.
   That savings almost covers the cost of Tequila and Senioritas.
   (You were wondering what they were doing the other 16 hours in a day?)

5. The client flies off his required 40 hours by pulling tourists
   in parachutes. After all, isn't a KR as good as a motor boat for this?

6. The client, who built more than 51%, can then cross country
   the thing home. No, KR's usually don't get over 14,000 feet
   but the General's custom oxygen system is great for recovering
   from the Tequila hangover.

All this ought to take about 60 days in Mexico and cost around ten
grand more than building a KR at home in the garage. (Not counting
the cost of tequila and senioritas) ;-|}.

Anybody got a better idea?


Dean Allen

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