This...debate?...curiouser and curiouser. I've been an entrepreneur all of my life; ideas appear and then things are made to happen, sometimes it is a great leap forward, sometimes it's like tumbling down a hill.
But it is movement, not static, and usually exciting as hell. I seem to be witnessing a bunch of gut reactions, little thought or circumspection. Would certainly have expected better from dreamers that build their dreams and make them happen. If you (the few, not all, responders to Gerald Locker) had approached his seeming intrusion into the KR world as you would a technical sticking point with a KR building procedure it would have been criticized a little, analyzed a lot, and hopefully with or without a consensus there'd be no harm, no foul. We'd all keep going forward. I'm aware that the initial post from the 'General' seemed somewhat naive in several respects. I personally have to assume that he arrived here well intentioned and probably expected to be welcomed in a spirit of camaraderie and fellowship. He hasn't demonstrated any ill will; he has demonstrated a desire to have a piece of the pie. . .and a desire to become more knowledgeable about the KR. I think we all kind of are in that category. This list right now is the Mecca for KR builders, and rightly so. There is more access here to real and varied knowledge of the KR then anywhere else that I'm aware of. Where else should this man have gone.? Stephen Mines/KR2 PS: At the ridiculous amount of money that I pay myself, this is a helluva lot more than my 2 cents worth, but seemed right to say it.