>From: "mailbox bob at mail.flyboybob.com" <b...@flyboybob.com>
>Any RV is quick build compared to a KR!  I spent all day yesterday looking
>for materials to finish up my firewall forward and didn't get anything
>Bob Lee

Sorry but the KRNet seems a little slow the last couple day so I thought I'd 
just throw this out:-)

Well let see here, I did a little piddling around in the shop yesterday :-), 
yesterday I flipped the center section over and riveted the bottom skin onto 
the baggage compartment ribs, aft spar and seat ribs.  Flipped it back over 
and riveted on nutplates for the removable cockpit floor, deburring 5/8" 
unibit holes and installed snap bushings (provided in bag #whatever) for 
wiring pass throughs, fitted center section back onto aft fuselage, fitted 
top longerons, side skins and.............get this.........the two arm 
rests:-)  I spent about five hours in the shop.

Today it's time to remove the two longerons, make the forward bends (is that 
fabricating?) in the front and clamp on the firewall.

Been a little too busy with high school football to concentrate on building 
here lately but it sure is nice to stand on top of the pressbox with two 
other coaches and get that first game, and win, out of the way.  Now it's 
just JV game on Monday, varsity practice on Tuesday, Weds, Thurs, game on 
Friday.......then off to college games on Sat. to sit in the stands and 
watch my oldest son play, then JV game on Monday, varsity practice on 
Tues............Well you get the point:-)  I love it though!!

Dana Overall
1999 & 2000 National KR Gathering host
Richmond, KY
RV-7 slider/fuselage
Finish kit ordered!! Buying Instruments
do not archive

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