I have been having trouble getting ( liability ) insurance for my KR
as I'm doing final assembly and getting ready to fly.
Yesterday I called Avemco and they indicated they would
insure me for $989 a year !! I have not yet completed the
paperwork and secured a "binder" on the insurance so that
could change. I believe the only reason they will insure me
is that I'm not using a "car motor" (their discription) in the
airplane. The could have shown a little respect for all the
"bug" motors pulling airplanes around the sky and called
them "non-certified" engines. I'm using an 0-200 but I
still felt a bit insulted on behalf of all the Sube and VW
drivers out there.
I hope to wait until the day before my first flight, secure 90 days
of coverage with a credit card, and then try to get through my
test phase before the 90 days are up. At that point I hope to
secure a much more reasonable quote.
I'll keep you posted.
Larry Flesner