In a message dated 8/3/03 2:07:13 PM Pacific Daylight Time, writes:

> >I'm soon to buy the plans for a KR2S project!!  Can someone tell me how
> wide the cabin is at about shoulder level from the plans?
> Gavin,
> The widest part of the fuselage per plans is 38 inches, but if you take the
> width of the longerons on each side and subtract that(~3inches), you have a
> plans width of about 35-36 inches.  I widened my fuselage 4 inches to get
> about 40 inches at the shoulders.
> r/Bernie
> KR2S Builder
> Lexington Park, MD

Interesting note:  Ralph Snyder in Burbank has come up with a neat solution 
to the width problem: he staggered the seats.  The passenger seat is prox 4" 
aft of the left &  shoulders at least will not be banging together.  I believe 
the seat backs are also hinged to allow for comfort adjustment and access to 
baggage compartment. 

Stephen Mines KR2

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