Opps - sorry Mark, Your question was:
"did he add the dynamic elevator balances BEFORE or AFTER he wrote the article, and did they help?" The answer found was: Mr. Bingham did provide for 100° control surface(s) balance prior to writing his article. He further indicates that the balanced control surfaces did help as he mentions having " had the plane to 205 true with no indication of flutter". My guess was, he built the plane to plans, except for where he indicates Balancing the Control Surface, as one of 12 MOD's to Ken's original design. I ASSumed he balanced the Elevator and Rudder at the tips using lead shot, as is a common procedure. I greatly apologize, in my zest to be the first to answer your question correctly and show how useful the KRNews CD is, I missed the bigger picture. Regards, Larry A Capps KR Newsletter CD Naperville, IL -----Original Message----- Larry Capps wrote: > In answer to the question can be read in KR Newsletter - July 1986 Issue #123. I'm not really sure that answered the question. It mentions that the control surfaces were 100 percent balanced, but not if it was using the balance tabs at the tip or some other way. I guess I'll ASSume that they have always been balanced at the tip, but I'm still not sure of that... Thanks, Mark Langford