
Been off-line for awhile because of a lightning strike which blew my
modem, so catching up on all the back traffic.  A couple of questions for

1.  I priced out your version of the rod end bearing rudder and elevator
hinges.  I just couldn't justify it on my limited budget, so had to fall
back to the original simple KR version.  But it brought a question which
you may choose to not answer: namely, do you have an idea of how many $$
you will have invested once your bird is finished?  I have my $$ goal set
at about $12,000-$15,000 over life of project build time.

2.  I'm trying to incorporate all the good ideas you and all the others
have been, and are continuing to offer up.  Here are some of the
modifications I've applied so far:

     A.  Couldn't find locally 3/32" A/C plywood, had to settle for 1/16"
or 1/8".  Desided on adopting a goal of keeping the bird as light as
possible and overall KISS atitude in details.  So I'm using the 1/16" A/C
plywood with the deck cloth fiberglass over it to compensate for reduced
strength of the plywood.

     B.  Lengthened the frame by adding 2" at each station to reduce the
porpoising PIO that has been mentioned.

     C.  I'm using the AS5048/6 airfoils for wings and tail feathers.

     D.  I'll be using a Type (2/4?) VW engine with fuel injection.

     E.  Having my tool and die maker brother not only help with
rebuilding the engine but also designing the Betcham-design retracting
landing gear.

     F.  We are using 11" wheels so the wing roots will be flared forward
as they approach the fuselage to accommodate these wheels in the
retracted position.

     G.  Using the Todd canopy.

     H.  Will be installing wing tanks outside of fuselage, within the
center wing stubs, plus a headere tank.

     I.  The wings will be straight as I have laminated the center wing
spars with appropriate dihedral from center point inside fuselage.

     J.  Will be trying to keep empty weight under 500 pounds.

That's about it for now.  May be adding more mods as I go.  Been keeping
past KR-Net e-Mail catalog on all the other neat ideas which I will
review as I come to those parts of the project.

Steve Robinson
Derfield, NH  

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