Brian Kraut wrote:

> I assume those fuel numbers are with the new airfoil.  You should get
> less fuel with the old one.

No, that was with the RAF48 that you get 106 square inches, in the drawing,
that is.  Not a whole lot of difference between RAF48 and AS5046, but a 20
percent increase in fuel capacity with the thicker AS5048.

> I noticed an interesting statement in that section on your web site; "At
> this rate, I'll certainly be flying next year (1999). ".  I have been
> sayint three months for the last year.  Now I am finally realistically
> saying three weeks.

 I noticed that sentence too.  I'm well into 9 years and 4100 hours...

Mark Langford, Huntsville, AL
N56ML "at"
see KR2S project at

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