Dana I still think youwill be flying before Mark L.. Come on Mark. Finish that KR and fly to the gathering.
Jack Cooper mailto:kr2coo...@msn.com http://www.jackandsandycooper.com/kr2 Fayetteville, NC. >From: "Dana Overall" <bo12...@hotmail.com> >Reply-To: KR builders and pilots <kr...@mylist.net> >To: kr...@mylist.net >Subject: KR>Fun Friday.....Don't look Ethal!! >Date: Fri, 11 Jul 2003 07:38:13 -0400 > >I'm sending this again, as I don't think it went the first time. Sorry if >it post twice. > >Well, here we go again:-) My fuselage kit arrived on July 2nd. at 4:30PM >to be exact. I put in about 1/2 day Weds. evening, 1/2 Thursday and all >day Friday, Sat. & Sun. (I was bachin it). This week, I didn't try and >drum up anymore than the nessessary work in my CPA practice, I was also >able to put in a good 6-7 hours a day and evening together. I am on the >coaching staff of a high school football team and practice start Monday, so >I wanted to get as much done as I could. Anyway, for your viewing >pleasure. > >The aft fuselage is square and final drilled. All buckheads up to the spar >attachment section are primed at their overlap points and final riveted. >The center section is just clecoed together. This is the portion that >shows the seat floor ribs and baggage compartment floor ribs. The gray >square buldhead is the seat back bulkhead. I will detach the center >section from the aft section this weekend and disassemble the aft fuselage >for deburring and dimpling for the flush rivets and then priming. The >center section will remain together for final drilling. I now have the >seat floors and baggage compartment floors clecoed in the center section >for added rigidity when I flip the center section over for final drilling. >These pics were taken before lunch yesterday. So, you are looking at 8 >days of work. As you can see, I also had to redo my shop into the fuselage >construction setup. > >http://rvflying.tripod.com/fuselage9.jpg > >You start from the spar center section and build back these last bulkhead, >where the HS and VS attach. As you assemble the fuselage, you start back >here and build forward. It was very, very cool for me to put this part of >the airplane together. > >http://rvflying.tripod.com/fuselage10.jpg > >Anyway, after I took the above pics before lunch yesterday, I kept sneaking >out of the office back to the shop so that I could complete these. Believe >it or not, it took a little time to fabricate the two angles of the side of >each pedal, countersink, deburr and rivet the pedals together then get the >throw just right so both pedals sat neutral. > > >http://rvflying.tripod.com/fuselage11.jpg > >Anyway, it sure is fun to open the shop door and see this big ol thing >sitting there. As a note, I have had to fabricate more little parts so far >than I had to in the entire emp. and wings together. Can I call myself a >measely little tiny bit airplane builder?? > >How he sells this whole thing including all hardware, brakes, tailwheel, >fittings, canopy, rivet, nut bolt and every little fitting you can imagine >for 17.9 I'll never know. > > >Dana Overall >1999 & 2000 National KR Gathering host >Richmond, KY >RV-7 slider/fuselage >Finish kit ordered!! Buying Instruments >http://rvflying.tripod.com >do not archive > >_________________________________________________________________ >MSN 8 helps eliminate e-mail viruses. Get 2 months FREE*. >http://join.msn.com/?page=features/virus > > >_______________________________________________ >see KRnet list details at http://www.krnet.org/instructions.html _________________________________________________________________ Add photos to your messages with MSN 8. Get 2 months FREE*. http://join.msn.com/?page=features/featuredemail