The RevFlow doesn't have a float bowl, gas goes in ,atomized,and burned.
Getting the correct setting takes quit a while. What works best
(in my opinion) is set set the mixture for a good idle thats not to rich
or to lean. I pulled plugs often to see how they were burning.
After the idle is set,tie the plane down and do a series of quick full
throttle runups to be sure the fuel will be there on the takeoff roll and
climb out.
Well it's raining again.

On Wed, 11 Jun 2003 06:36:10 -0500 "Mark Langford" <>
> Billy mcfarland wrote:
> > After all if you get it to lean its going to quit.  I think you 
> just got
> to
> > learn how to use it
> > idle its the same as my zenith 1000 1200 rpms some say that's to 
> high but
> > thats what mine and all that I have seen idle at.
> I don't know diddly about Revmaster carbs (although I do know that 
> the
> "Revflo" doesn't even have a floatbowl), but IF the model you have 
> has a
> float bowl, this sounds like exactly what could happen if the 
> floatbowl and
> the carb's inlet are not vented to the same place.  Make sure you're 
> not
> covering up any holes that lead to the float bowl, IF it even HAS a
> floatbowl, that is.
> Mark Langford, Huntsville, AL
> N56ML at
> see KR2S project N56ML at
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