Orma wrote:

>>Perhaps I'm missing the point.  If the pivot for the elevator and the pivot 
>>for the aileron is attached at the same point, as mine are, the elevator 
>>cables will try to twist   forward of the aft spar mounted pulley assembly, 
>>any time the stick is moved for aileron input.  As the stick is pulled for 
>>and aft, the aileron cable or push/pull rod set will move for and aft.  In 
>>both cases, the stick movement in one direction does not affect the movement 
>>of the other control surface.  I guess I fail to see how the bias is induced. 
>> Help me out <<

You are correct that as you move the stick fore and aft, the ailerons are not 
deflected.  However, since the pivot point for the elevator action is about 3" 
ABOVE the aileron cable axis, you have to deflect the aileron cable itself to 
make the elevator work.  The tighter the aileron cable, the more the elevator 
wants to stay in one certain place, which is wherever the stick ends up when 
the aileron cable is straight through the cockpit.  Now if your elevator 
doesn't happen to be at the optimal  position for cruise at this point, you're 
going to have to trim it out to maintain altitude.  That's where the drag comes 
from.  The aileron cable acts as a  "centering spring" to keep the elevator in 
that certain place. The elevator wants to be wherever the stick is "biased" to, 
whether or not it's optimal for your cruise condition.    If you were careful 
enough and liked to experiment, you could find the sweet spot where the 
elevator trim was neutral, and the aileron cable was undeflected through the 
cockpit (at one speed and load condition, anyway).   

Picture this.  You're 10 year-old kid is pushing on the stick and you don't 
notice.  You add trim to keep the plane flying level.  Now you've increased 
your trim drag.  Same thing.

That was my point.  Probably not a big enough deal for most people to worry 
about.  Just us anal retentive types.  But I'll bet it makes a measurable 
difference.  It just goes against my grain to stretch the aileron cable every 
time I deflect the elevator.  I'm just that way...

Mark Langford, Huntsville, AL
N56ML "at"  hiwaay.net
see KR2S project at http://home.hiwaay.net/~langford
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