>From: "Ron Eason" <r...@jrl-engineering.com>
>It all boils down to greed.

Sometimes we may think that but, the courts themselves take a very dim view 
of frivolous lawsuits and offer one who has been the victim of such, 
recourse of triple damages for just such actions.

There are bad engineers, bad accountants, bad attorneys, bad auto repair 
techs, bad computer design techs., bad doctors, bad insurance salesmen but 
these bad apples do not make the entire professions evil.  There is a need 
for good engineers, good accountants, good attorneys, good auto repair, good 
computer design, good doctors and yes, even good insurance salesmen.  Tort 
reform happens every day in the courtroom but to assert that it is somehow 
tied to the livelihood of the economy may just be grasping at straws.  
Economic opinion is one thing, economic reality is another.  Do some 
companies, such as Mark's, suffer from liability exposure in making business 
decisions.....yes, is it unfortunate, yes.  Is there a place for recovery, 

Let's get back to the original thread before some toes get stepped on.

I think Larry's original instance was someone sitting at the dinner table 
when an experimental airplane, you just sold to someone, comes crashing into 
the house.  Were these people responsible for little Sally losing a limb and 
the death of her mother?  I would sure hope that one would not think so.  
The pilot says nothing because he is dead, he signed an exculpatory 
agreement, his wife says he knew nothing about homebuilt airplanes and said 
he sure liked the looks of that wooden prop.....that came apart in 
flight.....the same one you made using an article from EAA but didn't 
conform to industry standards.  Was there negligence?  The surviving wife 
thinks so, the surviving husband thinks so, you don't think so.  We have 
talked about no one wanting to take responsibility for their actions....who 
wants to step up and raise their hand now without a fight?

I'm going to really, really, really stay out of any further comments, now 
and in the future, on this liability issue after seeing where this is going.

Please, please do not take this post as jab at any comments.  It is not 
meant so, so do not allow it to become a reflection.  I do not practice law, 
and have went too far in explaining some points in this discussion.  I 
cannot, and will not, extend opinions as to personnal interpretations of 
legal issues for those on this list.  Like I said, no more legal responses 
from me on any issues raised here. Too many toes, too big of shoes.

Dana Overall
Richmond, KY
RV-7 slider/fuselage
do not archive

Dana Overall
Richmond, KY
RV-7 slider/fuselage
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