Leigh Plymale wrote:

> ... With that in mind, Mark L. didn't you have your panel water jet
> cut? This should be a very cool process. How 'bout it?

Yes, I had my panel waterjet cut.  Details are at
http://home.hiwaay.net/~langford/kpanel.html .  Waterjet cutting is great
for aluminum because it doesn't heat up the material and make it "grow".  If
you laser cut aluminum, it will grow during the cutting process, a LOT of
the heat is dissipated throughout the sheet (so it takes more heat than you
would think), and when it cools, it won't be the exact dimension that you
were hoping for, since the holes were cut into a "bigger" sheet.  Waterjet
cutting works for steel, but it takes about three times longer to cut steel
than aluminum, so it's more economically sensible to laser cut steel, and
waterjet cut aluminum.

Our local EAA chapter had a meeting a couple of years ago at the
establishment where the BD-4 kits are now being made.  They told us that
they were laser cutting their aluminum panels.  I asked "isn't that like
trying to hit a moving target?".  They confided that it had been a real
challenge, but after adjusting the drawings, trial and error, etc, they
finally had it worked out.  I'll bet they're waterjet cutting them by now

I'm not an industrial cutting expert, but I've had a significant hand in
designing and buiding two different prototype aircraft loaders, made almost
entirely of waterjet cut parts, and more recently I was the lead engineer in
a 2-year project in which we took an off-the-shelf industrial-strength
waterjet cutter and made it "portable" for the purpose of bomb device
intervention.  See http://www.tbe.com/products/watersabre/ for a brief
outline of the thing.  Part of designing and testing was to actually cut
through various thicknesses of different materials to establish performance
baselines.  I'm one of those rare people that enjoys what I do at work...

Mark Langford, Huntsville, AL
see KR2S project at http://home.hiwaay.net/~langford
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