> "Best mech design I saw was probably on Bill Claps airplane. It was a VW brake lever on the left side of the cockpit. The bottom had a rotating arm over to the center. At the center was a arm to the belly board that dropped the board. Pretty simple."
That sounds just like the design used by Jim Morehead on his KR-2. It easily and solidly pushed out a huge belly board that was extremely impressive. See if Jim Morehead's website is still up. I think Dan Heath can help with this particular design as well - I'm now thinking the design wasn't limited to Jim's plane. Mike KSEE ____________________________________________________________ 3 Signs You May Have a Fatty Liver [Watch] livecellresearch.com http://thirdpartyoffers.juno.com/TGL3141/582aaa768c9e62a763e33st02vuc