I do appreciate the replies. just to be clear what I'm after, I am ONLY 
interested in a KR1 single place, original style, less than 50% built. I know a 
lot of discussion takes place here and its easy to forget who is into what, but 
I have been talking about replicating Ken's original KR1 all along, except for 
some sensible improvements to enhance reliability/safety. And it will be 
tri-geared. To that goal, I have purchased a set of new KR1 plans.
If I can find a stock KR1 boat stage that would fantastic and they do 
occasionally come up. 
My question was what to look for in terms of construction detail that may 
indicate a poor build, especially indications that the woodwork cannot be used.

Not trying to come across too strident, just staying focused on the task at 
hand which is to learn how to assess a KR1 boat.
Thanks to Mark on the article I will check it out tonight. maybe that will 
explain it all, but any tips here will be appreciated (and saved to my keeps 
regards,chris p

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