Hello everyone,Just a little update on N863RK. Yesterday I finish the installation on my oil cooler, flying my kr2 the winter months the oil temperature would stay below 200 ?But as the weather is getting warmer I noticed the temperature would raise up above 220 degrees . So I figured the only option was to install an oil cooler. Today I took it for about an hour flight and at one point I had the Continental breathing hard for about 35 minutes and the temperature never ?got above 175 degrees so the installation was a success. The only other information I have is, a cruise at about a hundred and forty-five miles an hour that's about all she will do so if all you Builders out there remember one very important thing, build it light. Don't turn a 550 pound airplane into an 850 pounder.Please don't get me wrong,flying a KR 140 145 miles an hour is not bad at all I've got a hundred hours on it now with no problems.The icing on the cake will be flying N863RK to the 2016 Gathering see you all there.
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