Gary Shubert wrote: >What is the consensus on sloshing compounds? >I am building with foam and Vinyl Ester.
I think you can't go wrong with vinyl ester, without sloshing compound. I've run over 5000 gallons of auto fuel through N56ML over a 6 year period, and well over 1000 gallons with ethanol in problems. This is the stuff that AS&S sells, Derakane. I wouldn't put sloshing compound on top of that. Some have no problems with sloshing, some do have problems. If it's not there, it can't come loose and clog up the outlet. If you look hard enough, there are versions of Derakane that are even more fuel resistant, but only sold by the 55 gallon drum, best I can tell. For those who haven't seen it, for how I built my tanks, see (a long-range tank for the Airventure Cup race) (I never used this one, went to wing tanks instead) (my main wing tanks) Mark Langford, Harvest, AL ML "at"