First..Mark L

I Just resubscribed to the list due to my own lack of computer skills
please disregard...

Now for my question:

        What is the consensus on sloshing compounds?

        I am building with foam and Vinyl Ester. The smell doesn?t bother
me but I wear an organic respirator when using it. The wife requires
immediate shower and a wash of my clothes however, so it must be not

        The Martin Hollmann book on building Composite Aircraft Recommends
PR-1422A-2. However that book is from 1993 and in SOME places on the
internet this material appears to be obsoleted in favor of
CS3204A2-1/2P especially if you want an endorsement by Cessna.

        What about Randolphs? 


        Thinned out ProSeal? 




KR2 2850 Corvair and maybe it will fly this year..

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