My KR2S is the same as Robert 's ( which is the 2S plans , standard extension , 3 inches in front of the spar and 14 aft) and it balances perfectly with a 2180VW GP with a 2 inch spacer on the standard engine mount. If I did it again I would add 2 more inches in front of the spar for more leg room. Mine is stock width to fit the RR premolded parts ,although I regret not adding 2-3 inches in width. Standard 2S tail surfaces per plans, no elevator balance weights . Flys great Chris Gardiner
Sent from my iPad > On Feb 12, 2016, at 6:45 AM, Robert Pesak via KRnet <krnet at> > wrote: > > > > I added 3 inches forward of my main spar and 14 inches aft of the main spar, > and it flies just fine with a 0200