I talked to Lucas at TruTrak this morning and got my name on the list.  

That's about all one can do at this point.  The ECO has been developed,
at this point, only for the RV-4 and the RV-10.  Lucas said two inquiries
have been made by KR people so with me, there are now three KR's on the
list.  He is apparently unwilling to leave it up to the builder/owner to
adapt the tabs to their particular airframe.  He's making a special kit
for each design and says he has 50 different planes on the list so this
could go on for a long time.  The more inquiries he gets from KR owners
the sooner he'll have a "kit" designed for structures and airframes other
than metal and the RV series.  Darn RV's anyway.  Why do they get all the
attention :-(.  

So everyone, please call Lucas at (866) 878-8725 - free 

or (479) 751-0250 

and ask him when he's going to have an ECO autopilot "kit" for the KR

I suppose, now that I'm thinking about it, I could tell him I've got an
RV-4 and just order an ECO right now.  I don't see any big deal with
attaching the tabs to fiberglass control surfaces.  Actually, the roll
tab could be attached to the stub wing instead of the aileron.  Pitch
control would need to be attached to the elevator but I don't see any
issue there.  In looking at it, (see attached image) seems it could be
bonded to the control surface using adhesive or bolted on with
through-bolts.  What would you builders suggest as the best way to attach
the metal base plate to the KR control surface?  Looks pretty
straightforward to me . . . I don't know why Lucas thinks he needs to
develop a "kit" for each design . . . but then there's a lot of things I
don't know. 

The control tab in the attached picture looks far too large for the
purpose.  My trim tab on the elevator is tiny in comparison and does a
fine job of adjusting pitch.  I don't think an autopilot tab needs to be
any larger than my trim tab.  

Comments please . . . and if anybody feels like making a phone call, the
more interest in the ECO shown by KR people the sooner we'll have a KR
kit from TruTrak.  

TruTrak free call:  (866) 878-8725

This autopilot, when connected to True Flight software or any navigation
software package that includes approaches, will fly published approaches
just like a 50K Garmin system!!  Navigator-autopilot communication is
apparently standardized these days and even old analog autopilots can be
connected using an analog to digital adapter.  Who knew?!  The only
variation with contemporary autopilots and navigators is baud rate and
baud rate is selectable and adjustable, either from the autopilot side or
the software side . . . or both . . . from what I'm understanding.

Stick and rudder flying is now obsolete.  From now on I'm going with

Experience Threedom
$49.99/mo 3 years. Same great TV price. Netflix included for 1 year.
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