Craig, I am using a 2-1/8 inch round AFR gauge that has both a LED bar wrapped around the edge with a digital number in the center. The LEDs dance around a bit as do the numbers even with a constant RPM and throttle setting. Wish there was more damping, but both displays are useful for setting the mixture, no muse, no fuss. My O2 sensor is on one cylinder exhaust pipe on the 2180 VW. So, the read out is for that one cylinder; just have to believe the other three are doing the same thing.
Sid Wood Tri-gear KR-2 N6242 Mechanicsville, MD, USA --------------------------------------------------------------------------- I am putting an oxygen sensor in the Smith. I am leaning (no pun intended) twords the LED bar meter because I think it would require less thought. Just pull the mixture until you're in the green. Any real reason to have numbers or a needle gauge? Craig ------------------------------