This is my experience when my subaru is cold :

Eduardo Barros
San Pedro, Bs. As., Argentina

Mail: eduardo at 
Visite el proyecto de construcci?n del avi?n experimental "Kr2 EGB":

  ----- Original Message ----- 
  From: Mark Langford via KRnet 
  To: KRnet 
  Cc: Mark Langford 
  Sent: Tuesday, September 22, 2015 11:27 PM
  Subject: Re: KR> Carb Recommendation

  Sid Wood wrote:

  > Looks like I will have to get a different carb that has a practical
  > mixture control. That new carb will probably not have a choke; so,
  > would need a primer system. Along with that would come the hot start
  > drama.

  I have an Ellison EFS-3A on my Corvair, with a primer in each log (all 6 
  cylinders).  I only need it when the engine is cold, and even on hot 
  summer days, I give it a little one-second squirt to get things started 
  if it's the first start of the day (that's what happens when the carb is 
  down low, and the engine's up high).  It starts shockingly fast when 
  cold, and if parked hot, it starts instantly without any kind of primer 
  activity.  No drama there.  If anything, the LyCon guys stare with envy 
  at how quick it starts.

  When it's "cold" and I use the primer, I goose it for a second, wait two 
  or three seconds for it to move closer to the cylinders, and then it 
  fires almost instantly.  I get a big kick out of hearing the Cessna guys 
  grinding away for several minutes, battery getting weaker, and I hop in 
  and fire it up and fly away while they're still screwing around trying 
  to get their bird started.  The VW with the EFS-2 is exactly the same 
  way.  I highly recommend the Ellison.  As Steve Makish (who's tried just 
  about every carb known to man on his VW/Subaru/Corvair powered KR2), 
  "put an Ellison on it and you're done".  I took his advice...

  Mark Langford
  ML at

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