>We decided not to decide about the site for next years KR 
>gathering.  A vote was taken, and rather than selecting a site, we 
>are going to invite anyone interested in hosting to make a 
>presentation on the KRNet to host the Gathering, then will run a 
>Survey to see which site wins.  Additionally, we will put together a 
>steering committee to help manage the funds and future 
>gatherings.  Right now, the definitions is a bit nebulous, but the 
>concept was passed on a voice vote.
>-Jeff Scott

Jeff pretty much summed it up.  I'll add a bit between the 
lines.  There was considerable reluctance for anyone to volunteer to 
head a "steering committee" so Mark Langford conceded to take on the 
task.  He asked that I be on the committee and as I recall, John 
Bouyea and possibly Dan Prichard.  I don't recall exactly and didn't 
take notes so may be wrong.  Mark is on vacation with family all this 
week so I'm hoping we don't hear from him but hope he is enjoying 
time with family.

Mark volunteered to take input from netters at his e-mail address  ( 
ml at n56ml.com ) concerning offers to host next years Gathering, vote 
on location, and offer ideas on whether the group should form a legal 
entity with officers or not.  Please DO NOT CLUTTER THE KRNET WITH 
THESE POST.   Until or unless Mark changes the process, address all 
post to Mark's e-mail  address ( ml at n56ml.com )  with subject:  2016 
Gathering.  Mark can easily separate these post and keep them in a 
file and easily forward them to the steering committee 
members.  Follow this process if you want your input to be 
considered.   The committee will screen any invitations to host the 
Gathering and ask netters to cast their vote when a list is put 
together.  Mark is already a very busy person so let's not make the 
task more difficult.

I'm sure you'll get a post on the net when the steering committee is 
formalized and ready to accept input.

Thanks to all........

Larry Flesner 

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