Not off hand, but someone may know of a source. I have seen KR,s that have
been left outside to the point where they are only wall hanging material. Maybe
someone reading this knows??Good luck
Bill Jacobs
------ Original message------From: inquire via KRnet Date: Sun, Sep 6, 2015
9:49 PMTo: krnet at;Cc: inquire;Subject:Re: KR> Not pilots, but
have a structural question for a KR2SDo you know where one like this could be
found?Stephen Teel -----Original Message-----From: billjacobs386 at
via KRnet To: krnet Cc: billjacobs386 Sent: Sun, Sep 6, 2015 5:50 pmSubject:
Re: KR> Not pilots, but have a structural question for a KR2S Maybe trade it
for a non functioning look a like. Aka. Standin.Bill Jacobs------ Original
message------From: inquire via KRnet Date:Sun, Sep 6, 2015 6:43 PMTo: krnet at;Cc: inquire;Subject:Re: KR> Notpilots, but have a structural
question for a KR2SThanks Tony. The mounting willhave to be outdoors, what can
we do to protect the composite, and how long untilthe damage starts to go
beyond easily reparable in this north Texas climate? Wewill do no irreparable
damage. -----Original Message-----From: Tony King viaKRnet To: KRnet Cc: Tony
King Sent: Sun, Sep 6, 2015 5:25 pmSubject: Re: KR> Notpilots, but have a
structural question for a KR2SIf you came up with a structurethat had the
aircraft still sitting onitslanding gear (or with brackets of somesort attached
to the axles)you'dhave to expect it wouldn't do any damage to theaircraft.
Anarrangementthat somehow attached to the upper landing gear
mountpointsprobably wouldwork OK as well, but would be much harder to
implementwithoutat leastminor (repairable) damage.You could pote ntially hang
it fromthewing attach fittings and tailwheelas well. There's a gap between
theouterwing panel and the centre section(which may have a gap seal over it)
whereacable could be attached. Thefront WAFs are probably pretty close to
thecentreof gravity though, so asandbag somewhere down the back might be a
goodidea inthat case.Also keep in mind that the composite construction
doesn'tage well ifit'ssituated outdoors.Cheers,TonyOn 7 September 2015at 07:11,
inquire via KRnetwrote:>>>> Helloto All,>> Per the subject line, we are not
pilots, and untilrecently hadno> knowledge of this beautiful plane. We do
however, have anappreciationfor> beautiful, cool design in anything. Don't know
if oursituation/questionis> unique for any of you or not.>> We have acquired,
we weretold, a complete KR2S built by Kenneth> Rand(no engine). We would
love todisplaythis piece of art and for it to> attract attention to, and entry
into,ourartist's co-op in an historic> dist rict of McKinney, TX. We will do
NOdamagethis plane in any display> decision that we reach. We would like
todisplay itas one would a model> plane on a desk or shelf, and so that no
onecould sitor place their> children on it.> We would, of course, display a
historyofthe plane to educate visitors.> Our question is: are there
structurallysafeways to mount this plane in> that manner?>> Your response is
eagerlyawaitedby us both,> Stephen & Jeannette Teel,> 1408
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