The best reason in my opinion for a BRS is in response to catastrophic airframe failure such as the wings calapsing or dynamic resonance, which we don't historicly have happen with KR's. A control failure would also justify a BRS. Anytime I can fly the airplane to the ground under control I would do it. The military taught us to always have an emergency landing spot in case of an emergency. ?Increase altitude to put a usable landing site in glide distance. ?All this becaue Helicopters don't have ejection seats. Thanks for allowing me to share.? Joe Nunley?CW2 US Army RetiredBaker JROTC Instructor?Baker Florida?
- KR> BRS vs Bean Field laser147 at
- KR> BRS vs Bean Field Dave Acklam
- KR> BRS vs Bean Field Chris Prata
- KR> KR foam? Bill Masquelier
- KR> KR foam? Mark Langford
- KR> KR foam? Bill Masquelier
- KR> BRS vs Bean Field chrisprata
- KR> BRS vs Bean Field bjoenunley
- KR> BRS vs Bean Field bjoenunley
- KR> BRS vs Bean Field Bill Jacobs
- KR> BRS vs Bean Field brian.kraut at
- KR> BRS vs Bean Field brian.kraut at
- KR> BRS vs Bean Field peter
- KR> BRS vs Bean Field Chris Prata
- KR> BRS vs Bean Field Chris Prata
- KR> BRS vs Bean Field ml at
- KR> BRS vs Bean Field laser147 at
- KR> BRS vs Bean Field bjoenunley