You need to know that this has been going on for a very long time. Sometimes it is just as you described, but the KR group has evolved and they expect a lot more. The aircraft really need to be hangared at night. No one wants to lose their plane due to a freak storm. The expense for a pilot to get his plane to and from the gathering is much more than many people realize. And, ask Joe H. it can get really high when you can't get home and have to make other arrangements and come back later for your KR.
For those of you who did not make Chino, it was a very good, maybe great Gathering. Steve and crew did a wonderful job. The only downside to that location is that it was not close enough to the runway. My Panther Building Documentation at PantherBuilder Web Site Daniel R. Heath -?Lexington, SC -----Original Message----- I had thought that this was a much less formal thing. Can't just meet in a hangar or at a local library?